Shahid Al-Quds

A Man of sincerity

A Man of sincerity The admiration for Martyr General Qassem Soleimani is rooted in his sincerity. The widespread recognition and heartfelt appreciation reflect the profound

Exemplar of Courage

Exemplar of Courage Martyr Soleimani emerged as paradigmatic figure, serving as a role model for countless young people in the lslamic world, particularly in our

Selfless Altruist

Selfless Altruist Martyr Soleimani epitomized self_saerifice and altruism, transcending any distinctions between nations. His altruistic nature reflected a genuine willingness to selflessly sacrifice for the

Guardian of Rights

Guardian of Rights Even in the chaos of the battlefield, where some may overlook God’s limits, Martyr soleimani was unwavering in the conscientious approach. He